Health Officials Embrace Mobile App To Improve Maternal, Child Heath In Cameroon

Fozao Vaniela

          View of participants

A Mobile Application known as Mobile Medical Information Services via Telephone also known as (mMist)has seen the light of day in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon.

mMist whose function is to improve on Maternal and Child Health in Cameroon was presented to the public during a capacity building come-together at the Nkwen Baptist Hospital,Friday October 21,2022 that had 46 parcipants.

         Open discussion

As pointed out by the Program Coordinator of mMIST, University Alabama Birmingham Projects, Mrs Mbah Rachel, the app will ease things for women:

"Pregnant women will be able to have direct consultation and intervention from a gynaecologist, pediatrician or neunatologist depending on her case. It was necessary for the district medical officers, and maternity ward head nurses to come together to know what the project is all about. In essence, the project is going to help improve quality health care in our system," she said.

Madam Geraldine Ndzembominyi is a nurse in charge of maternity, Ndop District Hospital. She explained what the app has done so far:

"The app has solved most of our problems and helped us improve our skills. There were some things we would  always need the doctor's intervention but now we are given the opportunity to communicate with experts and I can say our skills have been improved upon."

Amongst those that answered present at the training were Prof. Tih Pius of the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services CBCHS, District Medical Officers, Program Coordinator of Alabama Birmingham Projects, just to name but these who all welcomed the new development in the world of health.

There are hopes that the new mobile application  would go a long way to tackle maternal and child health in issues in  Cameroon and Africa as a whole.


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