CSM Trains Journalists On Better Reporting Techniques

Fozao Vaniela

Open Discussion with journalists

Journalists in Bamenda  have been equipped with the necessary tools to better report on issues concerning child abuse and child protection in times of  conflicts like the case in Bamenda.

Fact checking and countering fake news as well as fighting hate speech in the media was also on the menu.

This took place during a one day workshop  organised by Community Solution's Media, CSM at blue pearl hotel Nkwen Bamenda, April 16, 2022.

The Journalists were also exposed to what  Community Solution's Media refers.

It was revealed that it is a  new breed of journalism where journalists are expected to report without bias and with credibility.

According to one of the facilitators, Jose Pearl Journalists are a watchdog of the society,

Journalists schooled on effective reporting

" Journalists are supposed to be Development oriented. They are the watchdog of the society, when journalists report, they should avoid being in a rush to be the first to publish the information," she said and warned that  Journalists should always protect children and never put the vulnerable at risk. 

The session ended with  Mr Mbidzenyuy Ferdinant Sonyuy further coaching the Journalists on the concept on hate speech. He says,

" If we want to guarantee a different kind of journalism, we should have youths that think differently". If what you do cannot make a difference, make a difference by how you do it,"  he cautiones.

Journalists Ready To Take Action


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